A light-hearted, little peek into my world...
I have cellphone and cellphone cover ADD. Ever since I got my first phone when I was sixteen (among the same week I earned my driver's license - that's right kids, you can wait), I have gone through seven phones. I'm on number eight. I also switch back and forth between two cell phone covers, mainly because there are days when I need a heavy-duty otterbox, and other times where I'm nicer to my phone.
Toe socks freak me out. Socks should not go between your toes and I shouldn't be able to see them simultaneously while you're wearing flip flops.
I love the sound, smell, and sight of fireplaces. It reminds me of the house where I grew up, and the memories of roasting marshmellows on a sterilized coat-hanger.
I inherited my father's eyebrows. Thanks to my father, the lady that does my nails also gets to call me a baby when she waxes them.
When I was in seventh grade, my mom took me to her hair stylist, and the lady made the craziest mistake of her life by asking if I wanted to have a few "summer highlights". My hair has been colored/highlighted ever since. This is the same woman who turned my hair green when I wanted to go blonde.
I wish my hair was as longer. Like about six-twelve inches longer.
When I'm stressed enough, I bake. The more stressed I am, the better the results.
I have a slight addiction to buying "snuggle blankets" (or just really big blankets). My mom has forbidden me to buy any more.
I took two creative writing classes in high school, and at one point, I wanted to be writer. I started writing a book a few years ago, but it is still a raw work in progress.
I am a grammar and spelling nazi, especially with text messages and e-mails.
I'm not a big television watcher, mainly because I can't stand how loud commercials are compared to the actual show.
I love purses and shoes. And tote bags.
I love steamed broccoli with a pinch of lemon pepper.
Now that I have gone through my lactose intolerance mess, I really dislike the taste of cheese now.
I started teaching myself to crochet when I was a first year grad student to keep myself busy during the winter months. It takes a lot in me to finish something without it looking absolutely perfect.
I played the clarinet in junior high and high school. Because, you know, having braces and glasses weren't enough cherries on top of the nerd sundae.
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